Reputation (Part 1)

The Dungeon’s Master team is happy to announce that we’ve guest authored an article on The Core Mechanic today. Our article on Reputation is the first of three posts examining character reputation in D&D.

Reputation (part 1), which appears on The Core Mechanic, is aimed at the DM and provides direction for using reputation to its fullest potential. Reputation (part 2) and Reputation (part 3) will appear here at Dungeon’s Master in the next few days. They are aimed at the players and provide insight on how the PCs can shape their own reputation and gain the most benefit from doing so.

Please check out our contribution to The Core Mechanic and while you’re there spend some time browsing the site. It’s full of great D&D articles that many DMs and players will find useful.

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Ameron (Derek Myers):
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