D&D Encounters: Dark Sun

D&D Encounters Season 2 is going to be set in Dark Sun. The adventure, Fury of the Wastewalker, runs for 15 weeks from June 9 through September 15. Players must use one of the pregenerated level 1 characters provided. Here’s the description of the adventure.

Fury of the Wastewalker

On a trade road to the city-state of Tyr, a caravan is assaulted by a deadly obsidian shardstorm, forcing the survivors to band together and navigate the wastes to safety. But the force of nature that destroyed the caravan is under the malevolent control of the being known as the Wastewalker, who will stop at nothing to see the end of those that escaped his initial wrath. Can the heroes reach the Ringing Mountains before it’s too late? This season of D&D Encounters uses pregenerated 1st-level characters specifically designed for the adventure play experience!

We’ll be sure to keep you informed as more information on D&D Encounters Season 2 becomes available.

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Ameron (Derek Myers):

View Comments (8)

  • Sweet. I convinced my LGS to hop on Encounters and was just waiting for Season 2 kits to become available for ordering.

  • the requirement to use a pre-gen might chaff a few hides here and there, but it will be nice to be able to pass around the cards each week and any seat not being filled can be filled by a walk-in player. this should encourage everyone to maintain the same character each week and keep track of dailies and healing surges.

    i sure am excited to see Dark Sun back. I really enjoy that setting very much.

  • @Paul
    Sign-up for Season 2 began on Wednesday, April 28. I'd recommend having your FLGS sign up soon. Apparently there was so much demand for Season 1 that Wizards ran out of kits.

    @Kenneth McNay
    I suspect that the main reason the characters are pre-generated is because they will have Dark Sun powers, feats, races, etc. Since the books won't be out until August, this is a good way to provide a glimpse of what Dark Sun holds for characters.

  • Interesting that this will be running well before the Players Guide or Creature Companion (or whatever it is being called) will be released. Thanks, David S.

  • @Ameron
    Thanks for the heads-up. I remember WotC silently closed S1 Encounter sanctions a week before sending out e-mail notice to organizers.

    @David S.
    They'll be called "Dark Sun Campaign Setting" and "Dark Sun Creature Catalog", out in August. [http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Sun-Campaign-Setting-Supplement/dp/0786954930/ref=pd_sim_b_1]

    And don't forget Gamma World, out this October.

  • I will be one of the players a bit chaffed by having to use a pre-built, but I will survive. I am more upset with restarting at level 1, lets bump it up a bit and give us more abilities to play with. Even starting at level 2, to continue at least spiritually from the first season of Encounters would be nice.

    Still, I have never played in a Dark Sun campaign setting, so I am quite excited to try it out.

  • Last night I played my first D&D Encounters (and really first game of 4e as a PC and not the DM) and absolutely loved it! I am sad that I missed the first 9 sessions of Season 1. I'm not sure how the whole registering and renown points works exactly, but does anyone know if WOTC would allow people like me to do a marathon style of Season 1 to catch up? Like run Sessions 1-4 this Saturday, 5-8 the next, and 9-12 the following?

    Also, is there any carryover from Season 1 to the next? Do your renown points follow you or does Season 2 basically equal a complete start over?
    .-= elopingcamel´s last blog ..D&D Encounters: Session 10 =-.

  • Trevor Kidd, D&D Community Manager, that stores could hold catch-up sessions like that, but that they had to be on Wednesdays.