D&D Encounters – Only On Wednesday

I was contacted by Wizards and asked to clarify and correct some details I recently posted in my D&D Encounters articles and the follow-up comments; specifically details about playing on nights other than Wednesday. I was asked to post a correction and clear up any confusion my comments might have caused.

During the D&D Public Play seminar held at GenCon this summer there was some discussion about playing D&D Encounters on nights other than Wednesdays. I wrote in my articles that although D&D Encounters happen in most locations on Wednesday, Wizards understand that this will not always be the case for every store. Where I was mistaken was in saying that Wizards was ok if your FLGS runs D&D Encounters on a different night. Apparently I misunderstood the intent of what was said.

Wizards wants to be very clear that they are “committed to our program’s structure, and we do not want stores to think it’s OK to run on nights other than Wednesdays.” Wednesday is the mandatory day to run D&D Encounters. Wizard does periodically check to ensure that stores run D&D Encounters sessions on Wednesdays. If they discover that a store is not compliant, it can lead to punitive action (such as pulling the program from the store).

Stores can run whatever other D&D events they want on any other night and schedule or report their sessions under the “D&D Game” sanction rule. If the store organizer has any questions about it or how it’s done, they can contact their WPN representative.

I realize that my comments about it being ok to play D&D Encounters on other nights of the week, comments that I now realize were made in error, may have caused some confusion. Hopefully this post will clear up any misunderstandings and set the record straight.

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Ameron (Derek Myers):

View Comments (22)

  • When we can't run a game on a Wednesday (usually holidays), we have in the past run 2 sessions on the next available Wednesday. We haven't done so in a while but as the holiday season is approaching, we might do that again.

    • @Eric Paquette
      Running a make-up game the following Wednesday is allowed according to the email Wizards sent me. So you're not bending the rules.

  • Your overlords are pleased by your lack intransigence.

    Such is the price for suckling at the Teat of Knowledge.

  • Before this becomes a forum for slamming Wizards let me jump to their defense. They made a very reasonable request. I’d incorrectly stated in more than one article that you can play D&D Encounters any night you want when that’s not in fact the case.

    The last thing I want is for your FLGS to get in any trouble or loose their D&D Encounter program all together based on advice you got from Dungeon’s Master. This is not an official Wizards of the Coast website, but we do have a lot of readers that play D&D and a lot that come here specifically for our D&D Encounters write-ups.

    One of the reasons Wizards asked us to make this clarification was because they know we reach a lot of gamers who play D&D Encounters. I was actually a little bit flattered that Wizards felt our website had suitable credibility and influence for my statements to possibly impact how people run D&D Encounters.

  • For those slamming Wizards for their decision regarding Encounters, please note there are other programs available any day like Lair Assault and Living Forgotten Realms.

    Personally, I find having a program dedicated to one day is easier to manage and advertise.

  • @froth
    I’m going to talk to the organizers at my FLGS that run D&D Encounters on an alternate night and remind them that they should run it Wednesday if possible. But I think Thorynn’s comment sums up the reality nicely. ;)

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