Month in Review: May 2012

May was a busy month at Dungeon’s Master. Despite our reduced publishing schedule we still showed great numbers and continue seeing upward trends. Running previews of the new D&D Encounters and Lair Assault certainly helped.

As the Dungeon’s Master home game moved into epic tier, so to does the focus of many of our articles. With the inevitable launch of D&D Next in the not-too-distant-future many of us are trying to get some epic play in before we shift to the new edition. With very few other blogs writing about playing in the epic tier we are becoming the place to visit for high level inspiration. Please let us know if there are any aspects of epic adventuring that you’d like us to focus on.

A lot of the gaming blogs are writing about D&D Next. Although we are participating in the play-testing we have decided to keep our comments and feedback on the new D&D to a minimum for now. We developed our core audience by being the place to go for 4e materials online. We intend to keep that audience happy by focusing on 4e and proving fresh new material for ongoing 4e campaigns. Many of our articles are edition-neutral and can easily be applied to whatever version of D&D you’re playing, including D&D Next, so if you’re fully engrossed in D&D Next we’re confident that you’ll still find many or our articles helpful. However, in the short-term we are staying true to our roots and focusing the majority of our effort on writing about 4e.

We’d like to thank everyone for visiting Dungeon’s Master in May. We saw a lot of new people commenting last month and we hope they continue to share their thoughts and feedback. We value your opinion and want to hear what you have to say. Remember that you can always email us (our email addresses are on the about page) if you have any questions or have an idea for an article.


Player Resources

DM Resources

D&D Encounters

In May we finished up season 8 of D&D Encounters as The Elder Elemental Eye came to an end. Season 9, Web of the Spider Queen began with plenty of action as the heroes found themselves battling the Drow.

Visit the Dungeon’s Master D&D Encounters Archive for all of our ongoing weekly coverage as well as other great D&D Encounters articles and resources.

Lair Assault

A Look Ahead

In June Bauxtehude will bring us the final installment of his series on Epic play. We also expect that Wimwick will provide an article or two in June now that he’s finished school. With GenCon just around the corner we’ll also start talking more about this year’s con as well as providing some helpful tips about public play and cons in general.

It’s safe to say that we’ll have at least a few articles featuring Drow in June including our tips for playing Drow part 3 as well as new underdark adventuring hooks. Weekly field reports of D&D Encounters: Web of the Spider Queen and an article featuring our initial attempts through Lair Assault: Spiderkiller will (obviously) feature Drow as well. But if Drow aren’t your thing we’ll still have plenty of other material that you should find useful. Be sure to visit Dungeon’s Master every day in June for your daily fix of D&D.

Looking for instant updates? Subscribe to the Dungeon’s Master feed!

Ameron (Derek Myers):

View Comments (1)

  • Thank you for staying true to the 4e spirit. As the only active DM in my country, your site has been really helpful to me and a great source of advice. Keep it up.