1 d100 and 2 d4s

The Dungeon's Master team took the dice quiz at DicePool.com and learned a lot about the old guard and our latest…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Join the Dungeon’s Master GenCon Championship Team

Although GenCon isn’t until August, registration began this past weekend. Both Ameron and Wimwick are representing Dungeon’s Master at GenCon…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Creating and Running Engaging Skill Challenges (Part 2)

So you’ve chosen the premise of your skill challenge. Great, now for the second step. The second step is all…

Bauxtehude (Liam Gallagher)

Creating and Running Engaging Skill Challenges (Part 1)

The best skill challenges pose a very open-ended problem to the party. Open-ended problems allow for a diversity of possible…

Bauxtehude (Liam Gallagher)

Have You Retrained Today?

One of the great aspects of 4e is it officially recognized retraining. Finally, we had a formal rule for the…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Encounters (Week 5)

D&D Encounters is a 12-part adventure from Wizards of the Coast and it’s played out one encounter each week over…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Adding Favours to Treasure Bundles

“Your reward for rescuing the Duke's daughter is a magical weapon, a suit of enchanted armor and a favour.” As…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Character Creation: The Importance Of Planning Ahead

If you're anything like me you spend a substantial amount of time planning your PC’s advancement ahead of time. You…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Fighting an Opponent You Can’t Beat

As PCs you think that you’re invincible. You assume that no matter what the DM puts in front of you,…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

The Shardmind

With the release of the PHB3 we have four new player character races to add to our available choices. Today I…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)