How Blind Player Improved Our Game
I’ve heard a lot of people say that 4e is really just a video game turned into a table-top role-playing…
I’ve heard a lot of people say that 4e is really just a video game turned into a table-top role-playing…
During last week’s encounter the party was ambushed by Dwarves. After defeating them, the party continued though the Badlands south…
The Iron Man streak comes to an end. Yesterday was the first time since Dungeon’s Master began that we missed…
In this instalment of our ongoing Eberron series we reveal the secrets of the Magebred army that threatens Khorvaire from…
Last week the adventure began with the Merchant Council and Lady Bron of Iriaebor asking the PCs to travel to…
D&D characters experience time very differently than we do in real life. Their world takes place in distinct 6-second rounds.…
How many times has your party faced an encounter that was basically the heroes on one side, the monsters on…
Every DM runs their home game a little bit differently, so as new players join the ranks it's important that…
It’s common for people in long-term relationships to talk about how the romance is gone. They remember how it used…
Welcome to the beginning of another season of D&D Encounters. This season (season 8 for those keeping score) is set…