D&D Encounters: Lost Crown of Neverwinter (Week 11)
The PCs awoke in the rebel hideout of the Sons of Alagondar refreshed after their extended rest and ready to…
The PCs awoke in the rebel hideout of the Sons of Alagondar refreshed after their extended rest and ready to…
D&D has always been a game where players work together to accomplish a common goal rather than compete against each…
Pay attention players, your spot in the initiative order is not set in stone. Players get so excited when it’s…
With the season two premier of AMC’s Walking Dead airing yesterday, zombies are again the flavour of the month, especially…
Players love to roll dice. This is one of the reasons that strikers are so popular in 4e D&D. Strikers…
The PCs began this week’s encounter wet, dirty and in a very foul mood. Last week they faced off against…
Most players assume, incorrectly, that the only way to aid another is when they’re trying to make a skill check,…
In my experience there are two things that gamers like to talk about more than anything else: their own character…
In its attempt to simplify things and keep the game and the players focused on the important details, identifying magical…
The party rested briefly after their battle with the crocodile and the rats from last week. They spotted foot prints…