D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 7)

Last week the party discovered that a group of Tiefling bandits had turned the remains of Vontarin’s mansion into their…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

3 Quick Ways To Increase Role Playing At Your Table

In reading Ameron's reports on D&D Encounters and in my own observations there seems to be a lack of role…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D & Kids: How To Scare A Dragon

Every time I leave the house for my weekly Dungeons & Dragons game my son asks me, "Daddy, are you…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Math – Adding the Numbers

Player – I rolled a 15, plus 7. Do I hit his AC? DM – What’s the total? Player –…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Should Monsters Employ Smart Tactics?

As the DM it’s my job to control all of the monsters during a fight. Each player runs his own…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 6)

After fending off an attack by werewolves last week, the heroes head to Vontarin’s manor in search of the Wizard…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

The End of All Things is New Beginning

How do you end an epic adventuring career? At the end of your adventures, what do you retire too? After…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

9 Adventure Hooks

The best adventures begin with a simple idea. And if you’ve been DMing as long as I have then you…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Should PCs Charge Other PCs for Services?

What if, during the heat of combat, when you’re down to your last few hit points and in desperate need…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Secrets of Eberron Revealed (Part 11)

Today Dungeon's Master returns to Eberron and reveal more secrets. We explore a new power group out of Xen'Drik and…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)