Month in Review: March 2011

A controversial stance on the Avenger class, an in-depth look at the Warforged, as well as our unique take on divination, summoning, and…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Magic Items That Aren’t Magical – April Fools!

Too often we take D&D too seriously. That’s not to say that funny things don’t happen during the course of…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

D&D Encounters: March of the Phantom Brigade (Week 8.)

Surrounded by 20 Phantom Brigade soldiers, the party of seven decided to attack Salazar Vladistone and fight their way out…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

RPG Blog Carnival: Negotiating For Souls

Who truly determines whether a soul can return to the realm of the living - the ritualist who just performed the…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

RPG Blog Carnival: Casting Raise Dead

What happens when you cast the raise dead ritual? While Raise Dead is only a level 8 ritual, I would…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Secrets of Eberron Revealed (Part 10)

The Thronehold Tournament is the most mysterious and lucrative gambling tournament in Eberron. It happens every year in the very…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

11 Articles Everyone Should Read

After a long and busy week, Friday is finally here. What better way to relax than putting together a D&D…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Encounters: March of the Phantom Brigade (Week 7)

Inverness was burning! After Brother Splintershield’s unfortunate death last week, the ritual that protected the town disappeared. As soon as…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Avenger – Worst Striker Ever

Strikers are without a doubt my favourite role in 4e D&D. In a balanced party someone needs to be responsible…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

How To Make Your Players Feel Heroic

I've realized of late that I enjoy designing tough encounters. Encounters where perhaps the forces border on overwhelming. Where encounter…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)