Recounting Encounters Podcast Update

Thursday has been the day we post our D&D Encounter adventure recap for years. But when 5e D&D was officially…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Merry Christmas

The Dungeon’s Master team wishes all of our readers a safe and happy holiday season. We’d like to take this…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Friday Favourite: Holiday Shopping Skill Challenge

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Friday Favourite: Should Monsters Employ Smart Tactics?

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Review: Dungeon Master’s Guide (5e D&D)

It’s finally here: the third and final core book for 5e D&D – the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Let me tell…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

The Dungeon Master’s Guide 5e Disclaimer

We have the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide. Tomorrow Friday* we’ll be sharing our review of this magnificent book and on Friday…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Friday Favourite: Tavern Trappings

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

D&D Encounters: Hoard of the Dragon Queen – Report Card

This was the new beginning for D&D. It may have been season 19 of D&D Encounters, but this was the…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Friday Favourite: Eenie, Meennie, Mini – Using Minis that Match the Monster

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Encounters: Hoard of the Dragon Queen (Episode 3, Session 4)

The party defeated the half-Dragon and his five fanatical Barbarian underlings in the Dragon Shrine during the last session. Most…

Ameron (Derek Myers)