D&D Encounters: Keep on the Borderlands (Week 2)

Week 2 proved to be a great mix of role-playing and action. As promised during the D&D Encounters seminar at…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Unearthing the Tomb of Horrors

Welcome to a new series for Dungeon’s Master where I’ll be talking about encounter design, emergent storytelling, setting the tone…


Adventure Builder Workshop: Repercussions

According to Newton's laws of motion, “For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.” The same can…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Adventure Builder Workshop: Rewards

Every player likes treasure. From gold, to gems, to shiny magic swords, we love our treasure. Our eyes glaze over…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

The Essentials On D&D Essentials

D&D Essentials have arrived and yesterday I received my copy of the Rules Compendium and Heroes of the Fallen Lands.…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Encounters: Keep on the Borderlands (Week 1)

D&D Encounters: Keep on the Borderlands kicked off yesterday. Although the number or participants at my FLGS has been steadily…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

D&D Encounters Season 3 Characters

D&D Encounters season 3 begins today. Using new rules from the D&D Essentials line, the season 3 adventure is a re-imagining of…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Adventure Builder Workshop: Allies & NPCs

Your villain has henchman, so it’s only right that you provide some suitable allies for your players. Allies are the…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Adventure Builder Workshop: Encounters

A great campaign is comprised of many elements and villains, locations, story, and henchmen are all required to bring things…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

7 Reasons I Love Living Forgotten Realms

On Wednesday you had the opportunity to read Buxtehude’s list of 7 Reasons I Hate Living Forgotten Realms (LFR). Today…

Ameron (Derek Myers)