GenCon: D&D Convention Delve – Lair of the Dread Witch

After a lot of meticulous planning about what to do and which games to play at GenCon we made an…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

GenCon Awaits

After 9 grueling hours in the car with Ameron we've arrived in Indy. Our badges are in hand and the…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

D&D Camp and the Tomb of Horrors

During the final week of D&D camp I had a group of great kids. They knew the game well and…

Bauxtehude (Liam Gallagher)

Skill Challenge: Road Trip to GenCon

Tomorrow Wimwick and I undertake the 9-hour drive from Toronto to Indianapolis for GenCon. Knowing that many of our readers…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Month in Review: July 2010

In July we learned about D&D Camp, covered our participation in D&D Encounters Dark Sun, looked at adventuring parties lacking a role…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Adventuring With A Sub-Optimal Party (Part 4)

Strikers are flashy and deadly, cunning and dangerous and every adventuring party needs one. Strikers are the damage dealers of…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Secrets of Eberron Revealed (Part 8)

King Boranel an impostor? Impossible. Or is it? And just how are so many criminals avoiding the well trained soldiers…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

GenCon Resources for Players and DMs

In preparation for GenCon we've scoured our archives and compiled the most useful convention tips for players and DMs. Of course, most of…

Ameron (Derek Myers)

Wimwick’s Newbie Plans For GenCon

The best four days in gaming begin next week. This will be my first trip to GenCon and I'm looking…

Wimwick (Neil Ellis)

Character Creation Tips

When creating a new character there are many things to take into consideration. Everyone's got their own idea of how to…

Ameron (Derek Myers)