I’ve decided to get back to basics and get writing. As additional motivation to stay prolific, I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. The challenge is to write a new article ever day in April, excluding Sundays. That’s 26 articles over the course of the month. To make things even more interesting the title of each article will begin with a different letter of the alphabet. So on April 1 the article will begins with A, on April 2 it will begin with B, and so on all the way to the Z article on April 30.
For those wondering how this might affect our Thursday D&D Encounters coverage, fear not. We’ll continue posting the weekly Encounters write-ups on top of the 26 A to Z articles. It means a lot of work and a lot of writing, but I’m going for it.
I’ve reached out to the rest of the Dungeon’s Master crew and hopefully we can get a contribution or two from Wimwick and the gang. I’m also going to see if any other bloggers may be interested in writing a guest post to help me get through the month. We’ll see how things work out as April rolls on. Wish me luck and please make a point of visiting us every day in April to see what we come up with.
Follow me on Twitter (@ameron_dm). I’ll Tweet the title and link to each article we post in April to ensure you don’t miss a single one. You can also subscribe to our feed and get every article sent to your email or feed reader.
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4 replies on “Dungeon’s Master joins the Blogging from A to Z Challenge”
Hello, just thought I’d stop by to wish you luck with this challenge 🙂
I hope you end up doing an Ecology of the Xorn article! Good luck on the challenge. I’ll be checking back every day.
Welcome to the Challenge!
I’ve been doing the A-Z challenge for a couple of years now, and it’s nice to find someone who’s not doing a Mommy Blog. Not being a parent, much less a mommy, it’s hard to relate.
However, I have been gaming for a couple of decades and DMing for several years, so this blog was a nice find. If you do need someone to write a guest article, let me know. I got the creds.
Let’s see… Yes, I did one last year, G is for Goblins, but usually I’m just foul-mouthed and caustic.
Either way, good luck this month!
Adam Jones