D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Search for the Diamond Staff (Week 2)

search-for-the-diamond-staff-coverLast week’s encounter ended when the party defeated a band of Orcs who were attacking the village of Hap in the Dalelands. As the party took a quick breather to patch their wounds and assess the situation they heard the faint sounds of combat coming from Imani’s tower. Clearly there were still Orcs about and the party’s job wasn’t completed.

We had a decent turn out at Harry T North in Toronto this week. We had 13 players and three DMs so we ran three tables, all using the D&D Next rules. My table had five players all together: three from last week, one regular who happened to be absent last week ,and one brand new player who hadn’t played since 3e. The party consisted of a Dwarf Cleric, Human Rogue, Human Cleric, Elf Ranger, and Human Wizard.

D&D Encounters

D&D Game Day in Toronto – June 15, 2013

game-day-2013On June 15 you are invited to join fellow gamers from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at George Brown College to participate in the D&D Game Day adventure, Vault of the Dracolich.

The adventure uses the new D&D Next rules and level 4 pre-generated characters will be provided. No previous experience with D&D or D&D Next is required. The mechanics are extremely simple and easy to learn as you play.


D&D Next and the Fate of Character Builder

Can you imagine creating a 4e character without using the character builder? I can’t. It’s become such an important and integral part of character creation that I don’t know what I’d do without it. And that got me thinking about how D&D Next will handle character builder? Will it be revamped to work with the new rule-set? Will Wizards support 4e and D&D Next versions of character builder concurrently? Or will character builder be scrapped all together? If such decisions have been made by the brass at Wizards they’re not sharing the secret with us. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t look at the possibilities and make recommendations.