D&D Encounters D&D Next

D&D Encounters: Search for the Diamond Staff (Week 7)

search-for-the-diamond-staff-coverDuring the last session the PCs fought Chitines (spider-creatures) in the Elvin ruins of Uvaeren. After defeating the monsters the heroes discovered a doorway. Heaps of fresh earth and discarded picks and shovels indicated it was cleared recently. This must be where Phoedele and the Zhentarim soldier went; underground into the lost Vault of Song.

The heroes were in no shape to continue so they returned to the old plaza with the statues and the pillars. They felt that they’d be safe resting there since the Chitines clearly didn’t come near the ancient residual Elvin magic. After a long rest the party leveled up (to level 6) and proceeded down the stairs.

This week at Silver Snail in Toronto we ran one table of 4e and one table of D&D Next. The 4e table was once again packed (eight players) while I had six players at my D&D Next table. The party consisted of Elf Ranger, Elf Wizard #1, Elf Wizard #2, Human Wizard, Halfling Rogue (re-skinned as a Bard), and Half-Elf Paladin.

The Zhents had a huge head start on the party. It didn’t really make sense for the party to stop and rest when they did, but mechanically speaking it was necessary. To account for this I tweaked the encounter a bit.

D&D Next Player Resources

D&D Next at GenCon: 8 Dos and Don’ts for Players

gencon-logo-01With GenCon coming up many of the gaming blogs (this one included) will start running a series of articles sharing advice on things to do, things not to do, and general tips for making you convention experience great. Today I want to focus specifically on the masses that will be playing D&D Next at this year’s GenCon. Some of the tips and suggestions I make will be common sense things that apply to any edition of D&D or any RPG for that matter; others will be specific to D&D Next. If you’re play D&D at GenCon I encourage you to review the list below and try to remember as many of these as possible while at the con.

Player Resources

Ameron’s 2013 GenCon Schedule

gencon-logo-01In less than a month GenCon 2013, The Best Four Days in Gaming will be upon us. I’ve been counting down the days since Christmas and according to the app on my phone there are only 29 days to go.

GenCon, like any gaming convention, presents you with the opportunity to play your favourite games, try new games, make new friends in the gaming community, and essentially geek out for four straight days. Every year I post my schedule for two reasons: 1) to highlight the great events I plan to participate in, and 2) to make it easier for you to find me at the con.

Here’s what my schedule looks like so far. Some things may change on the fly but this is what I already have tickets for or what I plan to wait in line with generic tickets to play.

D&D Encounters Player Resources

We’ve Added D&D Next Characters to Our Pre-Gen Library

The Dungeon’s Master Pre-Generated Character Library is one of our most popular pages. It houses all of the character Wizards has provided for D&D Encounters over the years as well as many fan-made characters. We’ve continued to add more characters, including characters above level 1, in order to keep our library useful for all people playing at their FLGS on Wednesdays.

With more and more groups switching their weekly D&D Encounters adventures to D&D Next we felt it was time to create a library for the D&D Next pre-gens. Wizards has provided six pre-generated characters with the playtest packets. These six characters are each available at levels 1, 3, and 4. For your convenience we’ve added links to all of the PDFs in our D&D Next Pre-Generated Character Library. These pre-gens are the property of Wizards of the Coast and the information on these characters fall under the umbrella of the D&D Next NDA.