Friday Favourites

Friday Favourite: Cheating in Dungeons & Dragons

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From April 17, 2009, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Cheating in Dungeons & Dragons.

People always look for short cuts or ways to get something for nothing. Why wouldn’t you take an opportunity to get ahead should the right circumstances present themselves?

Role playing games are not exempt from cheating. In fact, the game relies a lot on trust (something we’ll be exploring in a coming article). But what happens when players and DMs decide to cheat? How does that affect the game?

Friday Favourites

Friday Favourite: Give Your Character Personality

On Friday we comb through our extensive archives to find an older article that we feel deserves another look. From February 22, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Give Your Character Personality.

When you ask a gamer to tell you about their character they will usually begin with class and race followed by the kind of weapon the PC uses, a list of their best magical items and then finally some really cool attack power or spell in their arsenal. And for most people that’s the answer they expect. But when was the last time you described a character as being a know-it-all, or a suck up, or a dreamer, or manipulative, or unusually arrogant?

Personality isn’t one of the boxes you need to fill in on a character sheet so many gamers, me included, often overlook this important detail when we create characters. More importantly we forget that every character has a unique personality. Looking back at my last few long-term characters I realize that they all had pretty much the same personality – mine.

In my experience, very few of us define our character by who they really are at heart, resorting instead to what they possess and what they can do. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this approach, but if you play a lot of RPGs you realize that a character with a well-defined personality can be a lot more interesting and a lot more fun to play. After all, personality goes a long way.

Player Resources

Back to School Tips for Gamers

Going to college was an opportunity for me, as a gaming and comic book nerd, to try and reinvent myself. I could be one of the cool kids if I wanted to be; after all no one knew me so I could try to pass myself off as anything I wanted. Good in theory, but I quickly realized that I’m a gamer and that I couldn’t change or hide that fact. Instead I took my first steps as a gaming ambassador. I shared my love of games – board games, card games and role-playing games – with all of the new people I met while I was away at school. The key was to ease people into it gaming and let them discover for themselves just how much fun gaming can be.

Player Resources

In Anticipation of GenCon: 10 Things I Learned at Worldwide D&D Game Day

gencon-logo-01Many people try role-playing games for the first time at their FLGS or at a gaming convention. Events like D&D Encounters and D&D Game Day present great opportunities for curious observers to sit at the table and join in the fun.

This weekend at GenCon and at FLGS in the U.S.A. and Canada, the Murder in Baldur’s Gate launch weekend event provides the perfect opportunity for new people to try D&D for the first time. As experienced gamers it’s up to us to act as ambassadors for the gaming community and welcome these new members into the fold.

A someone who knows what it’s like to wear the gaming ambassador hat on a regular basis I’d like to offer some suggestions on how we can all work together to ensure that new gamers have a good time. These tips are valid for any public play game including D&D Encounters, Game Day, or GenCon.

Originally published on May 25, 2009, Dungeon’s Master once again presents 10 Things I Learned at Worldwide D&D Game Day.

Player Resources

In Anticipation of GenCon: 7 Appalling Things I Witnessed at the Gaming Table

gencon-logo-01Many gamers assume that people who share their hobby also share their sensibility regarding what’s considered socially acceptable at the gaming table. Regrettably this is not always the case. From time to time during public play games (such as those run at conventions) players will be clueless about what’s expected of them when it comes to the social contract. I’m not even talking about matters of personal hygiene, although that’s an issue too. I’m talking about what most consider to be acceptable behaviour and the line that’s cross all too often.

This article was written following my personal experiences at GenCon a few years ago. I have rerun it every year since as a reminder that a little bit of courtesy and common sense go a long way at the gaming table. As you read this article make note of the offenses you think you might be guilty of this year at GenCon and do your best to avoid committing any of these violations.

We ran this as part of our Great Hits 2011 at which time I wrote a new intro for it. I think that the new intro is just as important as the original article so I’ve decided to include it with today’s re-post.

Originally published on August 12, 2011, and then again on December 19, 2011, Dungeon’s Master once again presents:

Player Resources

In Anticipation of GenCon: Don’t Be a Dick – 4 Tips for Following Wheaton’s Law


With only a few days until GenCon, many of the gaming blogs will be sharing their list of dos and don’ts for making your GenCon experience great. Today and tomorrow Dungeon’s Master offers some tips on what you can do to help make everyone else’s GenCon experience great.

While you’re busy trying to enjoy the best four days in gaming make sure that you’re not ruining someone else’s. Although most gamers I’ve met are pretty well behaved, there are some who are completely oblivious and don’t realize that their poor behaviour will have a negative impact on those around them. So be mindful of others when you’re at GenCon (or at your local FLGS for that matter) and give this article from the archives another once over.

Originally published on July 16, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents Don’t Be a Dick – 4 Tips for Following Wheaton’s Law.

D&D Encounters Player Resources

In Anticipation of GenCon: 8 Things I Learned at D&D Encounters


I’m going to share some important words of wisdom with all the DMs out there – running a public play game is very different than running a home game. So for everyone who’s going to be running a game at GenCon next week I suggest you read on and take notes.

Public play games are certainly a lot of fun. Personally I think I’ve become a better DM since I started DMing public play games (LFR, D&D Encounters, and Lair Assault). But improvement wasn’t immediate, it took time for me to learn the dos and don’ts of DMing public play games. To help the uninitiated I complied a list of tips that I think you’ll find helpful. Many of these tips will be especially relevant if you happen to have younger or brand new players at your table. Good luck!

Originally published on September 12, 2011, Dungeon’s Master once again presents 8 Things I Learned at D&D Encounters.

D&D Encounters D&D Next

D&D Encounters: Murder in Baldur’s Gate – Preview

murder-in-baldurs-gate-coverNext week begins season 15 of D&D Encounters: Murder in Baldur’s Gate. August 14 is the week 0 character generation session, with things kicking off officially with the D&D Launch weekend event August 17-18. There are a lot of changes this time around, so read on for a preview of what to expect.

Today Dungeon’s Master welcomes our newest contributor, Joe Lastowski (a.k.a. The Average Joe). Joe has over 20 years of gaming experience and has participated in the public play program including D&D Encounters for many years now.

Normally I write the D&D Encounters preview article each season, however, changes to the program now require the DMs to purchase the materials. My FLGS hasn’t yet received their copies, but as luck would have it Joe got his hands on the materials earlier this week. I think Joe does a great job of explaining what’s in store during season 15 and I think his initial impression of the materials aligns with mine (based on what I’ve seen and read so far). We welcome your feedback and encourage you to leave your comments below.
– Ameron

DM Resources Player Resources

In Anticipation of GenCon: Convention Tips 6 for Players, 6 for DMs

gencon-logo-01In one week throngs of gamers will descend upon downtown Indianapolis for GenCon 2013. Although the best four days in gaming doesn’t officially begin until Thursday, August 15, most convention goers will arrive on Wednesday. We’ve searched through the Dungeon’s Master archives and everyday leading up to GenCon we’ll share articles that provide tips for players and DMs that are specifically related to conventions and public play. Of course these tips are often just as valid in your home games so even if you’re not going to GenCon we think you’ll find these tips applicable. Be sure to visit Dungeon’s Master every day between now and GenCon to see what kind of tips we’re sharing.

D&D Next Player Resources

D&D Next at GenCon: 8 Dos and Don’ts for Players

gencon-logo-01With GenCon coming up many of the gaming blogs (this one included) will start running a series of articles sharing advice on things to do, things not to do, and general tips for making you convention experience great. Today I want to focus specifically on the masses that will be playing D&D Next at this year’s GenCon. Some of the tips and suggestions I make will be common sense things that apply to any edition of D&D or any RPG for that matter; others will be specific to D&D Next. If you’re play D&D at GenCon I encourage you to review the list below and try to remember as many of these as possible while at the con.