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The Xanathar

a-to-z-letters-xIn September 2012, I had two articles published in Dungeon Magazine issue 206. The first article was called “The Xanathar: Beholder Crime Lord of Waterdeep” and in it I provided a new take on one of Waterdeep’s most infamous criminals. The second was an adventure called “Eyes on the Ball” in which the PCs found themselves forming a tenuous allegiance with The Xanathar and his lieutenants to stop an evil slaver.

Today I’d like to share some of the background and insights that inspired my re-imagining of The Xanathar. But in order to do that I need to first provide some context. It all began in 1987.

Throughout April Dungeon’s Master is participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. The challenge is to write a new article ever day in April, excluding Sundays. That’s 26 articles over the course of the month. To make things even more interesting the title of each article will begin with a different letter of the alphabet. Today the “X” is for Xanathar, the name of the most notorious crime boss in the Forgotten realms and my part in adding to the canon of D&D.


I’m Getting Published in Dungeon Magazine

I’ve always said that writing for this blog is a lobour of love. It is its own reward. While that is indeed true, in the back of my mind I’ve always secretly hoped that it would give me the experience and exposure needed to write for Wizards of the Coast. Well, that dream is becoming a reality in September as Wizards will be publishing two of my submissions.

Way back in April 2011 Wizards reached out to a wide field of up-and-coming writers asking if they’d be interested in contributing to Dragon Magazine or Dungeon Magazine. Many of these would-be authors, myself included, had no professional writing experience aside from what we posted on our gaming blogs. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to contribute to the D&D cannon.

The Table of Contents for Dungeon #206 (September 2012) is now live on the Wizards of the Coast website. I don’t know when in September my articles will be live, but when they are I’ll let everyone know.