DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Don’t Fight to the Death

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2011. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

When PCs get hurt in combat you have two options for staying alive: heal or flee. Monsters don’t usually have the option to heal. They can’t use their second wind like PCs and very few monsters have powers or magic items that will allow them to heal. So when a monster is bloodied and approaching 0 hit points what do you think it’s going to do? Logically the answer should be flee, but if you’re a hardcore gamer you expect it to fight until it’s dead-dead.

This has always been one of those aspects of D&D that seems to make sense initially but makes less sense the longer you play. After all, if the objective of a combat encounter is to kill the monster why would the DM have it try to run away? How can I win if I don’t kill it? But as you play more D&D you start to realize that it doesn’t make sense that every single monster, especially those with high intelligence, would fight to the death.

I guess what it really comes down to is the kind of game you and your DM want to play. If you see combat as a zero sum game where the victors are the only ones left standing than keep fighting every monster until it’s down for good. But if you see victory as one side overpowering the other it doesn’t have to mean all of the other side is completely destroyed. Leaving opponents alive or letting them flee can create new problems down the road but it will add a certain amount of realism that is missing from a lot of games.

From January 4, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Don’t Fight to the Death.

DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Collaborative Dungeon Design

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

Two heads are better than one. Yet in D&D the DM almost always flies solo. It’s rare that the DM will ask any of the players for help, especially when it comes to designing encounters. After all, the DM doesn’t want one player knowing where the traps are or what kind of monsters that will attack the party around the next corner. So most DMs go it alone.

This can lead to problems when you have one DM doing all the work for extended periods of time. Most DMs have a certain style. They might use or avoid using some monsters. They might throw in lots of minions. They might overuse traps. The point is that the group may be bored or even sick of having the same DM give them the same things over and over again. My group rotates the DM to help avoid these problems but I know this is not the case for all groups. If you’re stuck with the same DM and you’re not wild about his DMing style what can you do? Insist the DM get help from the rest of the group.

In most groups each participant brings a different specialty to the table. For example in my group we have one player who loves to create new monsters. We’ve learned to draw on this skill when we need something unique (usually a big boss monster). Sure that player will know the monster’s vulnerability or lowest defense, but he’s good at not letting that affect his play. Another player is great at designing traps, so again the DMs will tap him for help to really make the next dungeon deadly.

The point is that DMs shouldn’t feel that they need to do all the heavy lifting by themselves. You’ve got a table full of gaming geeks that are all creative. Let them add their 2 cents to the design of an encounter. You don’t have to use what they provide exactly as they’ve provided it, but you should be open to the wealth of knowledge your gaming group can offer even when they’re just the players.

September 25, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Collaborative Dungeon Design.

DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Minions: Full Disclosure

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

We’ve written a lot about minions here at Dungeon’s Master. We like minions… a lot. As DMs, as players, and as bloggers, we have an unhealthy obsession with minions. There’s just something to be said for monsters that fall with a single hit.

As a player when I see that the party is outnumbered 2:1 I know we’ve got a tough fight in front of us. When the combat ends and the party stands victorious it feels good. We did our job as heroes and defeated the bad guys. So what that some of them were minions, they were all out to kill us. And therein lays the heart of this article.

A monster is a monster and it has the power and opportunity to kill the PCs if they do nothing. The fact that it’s got only 1 hit point shouldn’t matter. If you see an Orc with a sword running at you do you really care if he has 1 hit point or 100? No. You get out of the way or try to stop him before he can reach you. If a single arrow drops him, great; if it takes seven arrows that’s less great.

The point is that players need to try and put themselves into their characters’ shoes more often. Stop looking at the map and minis as a player and look at it as a character. Don’t assume that some monsters (minions) are less important or less threatening than other monsters. As long as the monsters are standing consider them a threat and don’t let up until every one of them, minion or otherwise, is down.

DMs try using some of the tips we mention in the article below to disguise your minions and keep the players for easily distinguishing them from the more powerful monsters. When the players don’t know which monsters are minions they treat them all equally and consider them all deadly. This mentality makes combat encounters a lot more interesting and enjoyable for everyone.

From June 26, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Minions: Full Disclosure.

Editorial Humour

Greatest Hits 2012: What Your Weapon Says About Your Character

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

Considering how common laughter is at the gaming table I’ve found that writing humourous articles is really difficult. Instead of going for outright funny ha-ha, I’ve had a lot more success writing observational pieces that demonstrate wit and focus on shared experiences most gamers will relate to and chuckle. In that vein I put together this article on the correlation between weapons and character personalities.

This is clearly a light-hearted piece that may seem a bit silly and simplistic at first glance. However, I’ll bet that by the time you get to the end you’ll agree with many of my observations and see the personality of some of your own PCs accurately paired to their weapon of choice. Think about this the next time you equip a character.

In the original article I asked our readers to add to my list of weapons. Here are some of their contributions. If you’ve got another one please add it to the comments below.

  • Rapier – You have a piercing wit as well as the sword. You also have a flair for the dramatic. (Al)
  • Flail – You enjoy making a mess of things, twisting people’s words or just tripping them up. (Eamon)
  • Tome – You possess a lot of power, but that power is a heavy burden. You have difficulty relating to others because you spend so much of your time inwardly focused. (dmscorpio)
  • Sling – You’re a child at heart, though maybe not so innocent. You try to get your way, and complain or lash out if you don’t. (Zeroarmada)

From March 21, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: What Your Weapon Says About Your Character.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: War of Everlasting Darkness – Report Card

war-of-everlasting-darkness-coverLast week we completed season 11 of D&D Encounters: War of Everlasting Darkness. It was a short season running only 8 weeks (9 if you count the week 0), but it was jam packed full of stuff. In my opinion this was one of the best seasons so far, but that’s not to say it didn’t have some challenges. Today I provide the good folks at Wizards of the Coast with my report card for season 11. I share what I liked about this season and what I didn’t like. I try to be honest and provide constructive criticism.

I’ve provided report cards for many of the previous seasons and they usually follow a certain format: I start with the good, move on to the bad, and finish with the ugly. This season I decided to change things up a bit. I realized that for most of the things I wanted to talk about there was a good and bad side to it depending on your perspective. So with that in mind I’ve hit on a variety of topics and shared what I felt was the good and bad for each. After you’ve read through my assessment of War of Everlasting Darkness I encourage you to share your feedback in the comments section below.

Adventure Hooks DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: The 5 Ws of Treasure Maps

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

Although all 5 Ws are all important I find that “who” can often be the most interesting. Finding out who drew they map can be a rich part of any adventure. Assuming that the PCs don’t want to the whole world to know they have this map and are searching for information on its origins, it can lead to some very interesting role-playing. No doubt the PCs will want to consult with experts, look up answers for themselves in lost tomes, and likely be secretive about the whole thing. Perhaps they even realize that misdirection can throw others off their trail. The point is that no matter which skills your party is good at, almost every skill can be put to use in some meaningful way when it comes to finding out who drew the map.

As almost an afterthought in the original article I mentioned providing the players with a handout. In retrospect I think this point should have been given more prominence. Players love handouts. As soon as they have something tangible in their hands they’re hooked. Provide them with a rough map, throw on some unlabelled locations, a few cryptic notes in the margins, and maybe some strange symbols that they can’t immediately decipher, and you know that the PCs will stop at nothing to solve the mystery and find the treasure.

The beauty of treasure maps is that they’re equally useful in any role-playing game, any editions, at any level, and in any campaign setting. This is a big reason why I like giving the PCs treasure maps regardless of what game I’m playing.

From October 10, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: The 5 Ws of Treasure Maps.


Merry Christmas and a Holiday Themed Adventure

The Dungeon’s Master team wishes all of our readers a safe and happy holiday season.

We’re coming up on four years since we launched Dungeon’s Master and we’re still going strong. Thank you to all of our readers and to everyone who’s helped make Dungeon’s Master a success.

As a Christmas present to all our readers we’d like to share a D&D holiday themed heroic tier adventure with you. Way back in December 2009 we ran a one-page holiday adventure design contest. The winner was an entry from Corwin Riddle entitled: Krangel’s Workshop. This adventure was inspirited by the Christmas classic “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” by Dr. Seuss. A clever D&D interpretation of a cherished children’s story.

Editorial Player Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Don’t Be a Dick – 4 Tips for Following Wheaton’s Law

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

I strongly believe that the overwhelming majority of gamers are good people. It’s unusual for a gamer to intentionally be a dick. But there are certainly shades of grey when it comes to dickish behaviour. When it comes to minor infractions, pet peeves if you will, it’s up to all of us to identify the problem and work together to fix it. Of course what bothers me may not be a big deal to you and that’s where we get the shades of grey.

My own experience taught me that everyone has their own gaming-related pet peeves. There are things the people in my regular gaming group do that I don’t like and I’m sure there are things I do that they don’t like. In some cases the issues stem from personality clash, but in some cases it stems from ignorance. The former is tough to deal with, the later not so much… at least it shouldn’t be.

If someone at the table does something that bothers you should say something? Personally I would, but that’s just me. I’m a very direct person. I know that if you ignore a problem it doesn’t usually get better. But for many gamers this is not something they feel comfortable doing, especially if the person isn’t a close friend (think of situations during public-play or at a con).

Now think about it from the point of view of the person demonstrating dickish behaviour. There’s a good chance they don’t know that what they’re doing is causing problems. If you don’t tell them, how can they be expected to change? Nobody likes a player who’s being a dick, so as tough as some players may find this conversation I think a fellow gamer would appreciate the feedback. That’s just my two cents.

One more thing – when I ran this article the first time it was quickly brought to my attention that the original Character Builder is still available online and that some dedicated members of the gaming community have kept it updated as new materials come out. So keep this in mind when you get to the section “Ensure your character sheet is accurate.”

From July 16, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Don’t Be a Dick – 4 Tips for Following Wheaton’s Law.

DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Undead of Different Races

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

Many years ago my home group played an extended campaign in the Ravenloft setting. In this setting each country (or Domain as they’re called in Ravenloft) is ruled by a Lord. The overwhelming majority of these Lords are undead and exceptionally evil. Any campaign that takes place in Ravenloft is going to be filled with every kind of undead imaginable. Most Lords have undead armies at their disposal so Skeletons, Zombies and Vampire Spawn are the typical foot soldiers that PCs will engage, at least initially.

As much as we loved playing in Ravenloft we eventually just got sick of fighting undead. So when we finally escaped from the horrific setting and returned to the Forgotten Realms we decided as a group that none of the DMs would use undead for a long time to come. For years following our Ravenloft expedition our party never ran into a single undead opponent – which we were ok with.

Looking back on our decision to ban undead from the game I realize that it wasn’t so much undead that we were sick of but the plainness of the undead we fought most often. The only variation between the Skeletons was the weapon in their hand. Even though each new Monster Manual presented us with plenty of new undead creatures, none were really that different than what we’d seen before.

I suspect there are other DMs and gaming groups that have gone through undead fatigue much like my group did, and I’ll bet that in many cases it was the lack of variation that led to the problem. Before taking an extreme measure like we did all those years ago, take steps to make your undead more interesting. You don’t necessarily have to give them new powers (although that is certainly an option); you just have to make them interesting. By describing a detail as simple as their original race you can add life back into your undead, so to speak. And if you feel that giving them access to their racial power that’s certainly a way to make even the most boring and predictable undead foe something to fear again.

From October 15, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Undead of Different Races.

DM Resources

Greatest Hits 2012: Staying Alive: 8 Ways to Keep Wounded PCs in the Game

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2012. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

In the original article we talked about ways to bend the rules or tweak the numbers to give PCs a fighting chance when they’re low on hit points and healing surges. One thing that we didn’t really address that I think deserves mentioning are the PCs starting number of healing surges.

There will always be times when the party cannot continue because they’re out of surges. More often than not it’s the PCs that began with few surges in the first place that make the most noise about taking an extended rest. At my tables it always seems to be the strikers, and more specifically the Rogues and the Vampires.

I think it’s important for the DM, and even the other players in your gaming group, to talk to players who choose to run characters with minimal starting healing surges. It is a striker’s job to get into the thick of things which usually results in them talking some hits; however, good tactics and planning ahead can reduce the chances of these PCs running out of surges before everyone else. Yet trying to convince these players to have a good starting Con score, take the Durability feat, or just play smarter is often a challenge.

If the entire group addresses the low healing surge issue early, the party as a whole can develop tactics to overcome this obstacle and ensure the softest PCs stay on their feet and don’t blow through all their surges in the first fight. It’s a behavioural change that a lot of D&D players are not comfortable making but by addressing this early (possibly even during character creation) it can make for better games down the road and eliminate the frequency of the 5-minute work day without the need for any of the tricks we suggest in the article below.

From June 5, 2012, Dungeon’s Master once again presents: Staying Alive: 8 Ways to Keep Wounded PCs in the Game.