
GenCon: D&D Convention Delve – Lair of the Dread Witch

After a lot of meticulous planning about what to do and which games to play at GenCon we made an accidental discovery that changed everything. Originally we registered for a few LFR games, the D&D Championship and the D&D Classic. We intentionally left some time open to take in a couple of seminars and to try out the Dark Sun Arenas tournament. But last night we discovered the D&D Convention Delve and that changed everything.

After being eliminated form the D&D Championship after three encounters (more on that in a later article) we felt deflated. We grabbed a bite to eat and drown our sorrows in the bottom of a pint (or two or three). We then headed back to the Convention Centre to wander the halls and it was then we learned more about the D&D Convention Delve.


GenCon Awaits

After 9 grueling hours in the car with Ameron we’ve arrived in Indy. Our badges are in hand and the slaying of monsters awaits. Over the course of the best four days in gaming Ameron and I will have periodic updates about the events and sights that make up GenCon. Over the week our plan is to play some LFR games, check out the Dark Sun Arena’s and of course the Open Championship. We’ve teamed up with half of the C Team, last years winners. Last night we me up, handed out the character assignments and worked out our some strategy. Keep your swords or wands crossed for us.

GenCon promises to be a week of great fun, chance encounters and little sleep. We’ll post as many updates and images about the events as we’re able. For now I need to get what sleep I can, the life of an adventurer is uncertain and you never know when you’ll get your next extended rest.

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D&D Camp and the Tomb of Horrors

During the final week of D&D camp I had a group of great kids. They knew the game well and I had DMed for all of them the week before. They were all friends from school who had been playing together for a number of years. They were the very best group of D&D kids you could find. There was the lifer, the child of two professional actors, the athletic competitive kid, the brain, and the kid who was in it just to make his friends laugh. They had all been to D&D camp in previous years and on the first day of this week (after a “D&D weekend” at the cottage) expressed an interested in playing through a campaign that was a little more involved than the typical “find sword, fight dragon” type game. Enter the Tomb of Horrors. I recently received my copy of the level 9 adventure in the mail and so proposed the Tomb to them by reading Gary Gygax’s original introduction and from there the tone was set. The week of play that followed was a brutal fight against oblivion which 13 adventurers would not survive.

Humour Skill Challenges

Skill Challenge: Road Trip to GenCon

Tomorrow Wimwick and I undertake the 9-hour drive from Toronto to Indianapolis for GenCon. Knowing that many of our readers will be in exactly the same predicament we decided to put together a GenCon Road Trip skill challenge to mark the occasion.


You pack up the car for the long, arduous road trip to GenCon. The question isn’t if you’re going to get there but when you’re going to get there. The more successes you accumulate in the skill challenge will determine how quick and painless the journey is. No matter what obstacles you might endure along the way, it’s all worth it to get to GenCon.

Month in Review

Month in Review: July 2010

In July we learned about D&D Camp, covered our participation in D&D Encounters Dark Sun, looked at adventuring parties lacking a role player and wrote about GenCon. If you missed any of the great articles we ran in July this is your chance to get caught up. For all of our loyal readers who visited throughout July, we express out thanks. And to new readers just discovering us, we welcome you and hope you keep coming back every day.

Player Resources

Adventuring With A Sub-Optimal Party (Part 4)

Strikers are flashy and deadly, cunning and dangerous and every adventuring party needs one. Strikers are the damage dealers of 4e D&D and most parties have at least two of them. Ideally, one striker attacks from range and the other melee. The striker’s ability to dish out a lot of damage keeps combat moving at a good pace and protects the party from burning through too many healing surges and other resources. In short, combat ends sooner when there are strikers on hand. But what happens when an adventuring party doesn’t have representation from this essential role?

This is the fourth article in our series on adventuring with non-standard adventuring parties. Be sure to read the installments on parties without a leader, defender or controller. Our final installment focuses on the absence of the striker in the adventuring party and the adjustments that need to be made by the remaining party members to survive.

DM Resources Eberron

Secrets of Eberron Revealed (Part 8)

King Boranel an impostor? Impossible. Or is it? And just how are so many criminals avoiding the well trained soldiers of House Deneith. In this installment of the Secrets of Eberron Revealed we look into a possible conspiracy within the royal house of Breland where a king might in fact be a changeling and House Deneith tries to solve the mystery of how its soldiers are being detected. Is there a traitor within the house or is it something else all together?

DM Resources Player Resources

GenCon Resources for Players and DMs

In preparation for GenCon we’ve scoured our archives and compiled the most useful convention tips for players and DMs. Of course, most of these tips are suitable for any gaming environment, so if you’re unable to get to Indianapolis next weekend we think you’ll still find this collection helpful.


Wimwick’s Newbie Plans For GenCon

The best four days in gaming begin next week. This will be my first trip to GenCon and I’m looking forward to the experience. I’ve heard all about it from Ameron and of course I’ve read about it through various other blogs. Still there is an aura of mystique that surrounds the event and I’m eager to arrive and investigate everything that GenCon and Indianapolis has to offer.

With that thought in mind I’ve put together a list of the top things I’d like to accomplish while at GenCon this year.

Player Resources

Character Creation Tips

When creating a new character there are many things to take into consideration. Everyone’s got their own idea of how to make the best character; there isn’t just one right way to do it. The abundance of choice can often be overwhelming so we’ve poured through our archives and found some great resources to help steer your decision making.