Editorial Player Resources

7 Reasons I Hate Living Forgotten Realms

Living Forgotten Realms (LFR) is a series of organized game-play sanctioned by the RPGA. The “Living” in Living Forgotten Realms represents a framework for D&D games that allows players all over the world to participate in adventures using the same guidelines. Some people love LFR and others hate it. I happen to fall about as far into the hate it camp as you can get. Today I’m going to share 7 reasons I dislike LFR so much. But don’t worry, for those of you who enjoy LFR, Ameron will be providing the flip-side of this discussion on Friday when he provides 7 reasons that he loves LFR.

I originally wanted to call this article “Why I Hate Living Forgotten Realms: A Terrible Culture of Play” but I thought that might be too inflammatory. I also though it might lead some readers to believe that I’m suggesting everyone abandon LFR, which is absolutely not the case. This article is based on my personal experiences with LFR. It’s “Why I Hate LFR” and not “Why You Should Hate LFR” so keep that in mind when you leave your comments.

DM Resources

LFR Magic Item Treasure Bundle List (July 2010)

We’ve updated our LFR Treasure Bundle List. We’ve added 23 new adventures to the list bringing the total to 124. Among the new entries are 13 paragon adventures. That brings us to 18 adventures in the P1 band (level 11-14) and 4 adventures in the P2 band (level 14-17). With GenCon only a few weeks away, our list can help you decide what adventures to play in order to get that special item you’ve always wanted before you get to Indianapolis.

DM Resources Player Resources

Change, Change, and More Change to RPGA Play

Last week both the RPGA Character Creation Guide and the Living Forgotten Realms Character Creation Guide were updated. Both documents are effective tomorrow (June 22, 2010). This is the last update scheduled for either document until October. So if you play Living Forgotten Realms (LFR) or you’re planning on going to GenCon to play D&D then you should check out these updates. This is probably the largest single update since 4e was released. Here are the highlights.

DM Resources Player Resources

The Pitfalls of a Specialized Paragon Path

Choosing a paragon path is one of the most decisive ways that two characters of the same class and race can differentiate themselves from each other. It also lets you better define your character as an individual. Your paragon path lets you better specialize within your class. But some paragon paths offer a much narrower focus of specialization than others. And in recently choosing one of these paragon paths, I realized that they can lead to more problems than players and DMs may realize.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters (Weeks 3 & 4)

D&D Encounters is a 12-part adventure from Wizards of the Coast and it’s played out one encounter each week over the next 12 weeks.

What’s in store for seasons two and three of the D&D Encounters program? We have some rumours and some facts. But first, our ongoing coverage continues as we share our thought and feedback from D&D Encounters (weeks 3 & 4).

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters (Week 2)

D&D Encounters is a 12-part adventure from Wizards of the Coast and it’s played out one encounter each week over the next 12 weeks.

When D&D Encounters (Week 1) began last week I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I had a great time playing, but as with any new campaign it took me a while to get to know my new character and it took time to get to know the rest of the party.

This week D&D Encounters (Week 2) was a very different experience. We managed to keep the same party and that made things a lot easier. Now that we’d completed one encounter we were better prepared to move forward. Or so we thought.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters (Week 1)

“D&D Encounters is an exciting, weekly campaign that plays out one epic encounter at a time.” I played the first encounter last night and I had a blast. It took about two hours to complete the first encounter and it was more fun than most full LFR adventures I’ve played.

D&D Encounters is a 12-part adventure from Wizards of the Coast and it’s played out one encounter each week over the next 12 weeks. It’s takes the best elements from RPGA Living Forgotten Realms (LFR) and the Ultimate Dungeon Delve (UDD) and mashes them together. All PCs begin at level 1 and can earn enough XP to reach level 2 after completing six encounters. The challenge is surviving that long since there isn’t an opportunity to take an extended rest until the end of encounter six.

After playing the first encounter here are my initial thoughts and observations.

DM Resources Player Resources

LFR Magic Item Treasure Bundle List (Part 2)

A few months ago we provided you with a Living Forgotten Realms (LFR) magic item treasure bundle list. The original list included a complete inventory of magic items available from 78 different LFR adventures. As promised, we’ve updated the list and added loot from 23 more LFR adventures. This includes 8 paragon adventures for PCs level 11-14 and the first paragon adventure for PCs level 14-17.

DM Resources

LFR Magic Item Treasure Bundle List

Living Forgotten Realms games are great. As a DM you just select the adventure you want to run and download it from the Wizards of the Coast website for free. All the prep work is done for you. All you have to do is read the adventure. As a player you can use the same character at any sanctioned LFR event (provided you are of the appropriate level). You also know that if you complete the adventure you’re in for some fairly good rewards.