
What Do You Do When Your D&D Game Is Cancelled?

Every once in a blue moon something happens and your regular game is cancelled. The reasons are various, ranging from illness, family obligations, exams, a hectic schedule at work or the fact that some of your group is at GenCon. No matter the cause it leaves those available with nothing to do on game night. But that doesn’t mean that you need to cancel game night all together.

As gamers, we are a versatile bunch with a wide range of interests and hobbies beyond D&D. Surely the loss of one or two players from your gaming table doesn’t mean that the rest of the group has to give up their one night a week where they indulge their inner geek. For me the weekly D&D game is the reason a great group of friends gather around the table and enjoy one another’s company. Just because a few guys can’t make it doesn’t mean that the rest of the group should cancel and miss the opportunity for friends to connect.