
Greatest Hits 2009: Psionics Suck!

While the Dungeon’s Master team enjoys some well-deserved vacation time, we’re breaking out the greatest hits and shining a spotlight on a few of our favourite articles from 2009. We’ve searched for hidden gems that our newer readers might have missed and our long-time readers will enjoy reading again. Enjoy a second look at these greatest hits from Dungeon’s Master.

It takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong, so this is me being a big man – I was wrong. When I wrote the original article Psionics Suck! I did so based on a lack of experience or knowledge of how psionics were to be used in 4e D&D. I (incorrectly) assumed that new classes relying on a psionic power source would be no more than poor imitations of arcane classes with a more mental focus. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Since running the original article and reading the abundance of comments from readers with very strong opinions, I’ve had a chance to see the Psion and the Monk in action. Although I haven’t played either class, or the Ardent (the latest psionic class), I must admit that they have intrigued me.

Wizards of the Coast took the psionic power source and made it unique. It doesn’t behave like the arcane or divine power sources at all. Looking back I’m not sure why I expected it would. The Psion’s Psionic Augmentation and the Monk’s Full Discipline both take the psionic power source and use it in a way that makes sense for those classes. It’s not just reading minds and moving objects without touching them, it’s full incorporation of psionic energy and channeling it to suit each class and role.

By making these classes available through DDI and Character Builder months before their release, Wizards has turned me completely around on psionics and I’m now a true believer who can’t wait for the PHB3.