D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 11)

During last week’s encounter the PCs discovered the crypts of the Pelor faithful disturbed and the remains of many monks transformed into unholy undead. They dealt with the situation and ensured that no more skeletons would be forthcoming from that crypt. The Pelorites could once again rest in peace. With nightfall only a few hours away, the heroes were uncertain of what to do next. So they began this week by searching the crypt for clues.

This week we had 10 people at our FLGS. That meant one massive table with nine PCs or two tables with 4 PCs at each. We opted for two smaller tables. I ended up with a Dwarven Fighter, Eladrin Wizard (Jarren variant), Eladrin Avenger and Human Druid with bear companion – so a defender, controller, striker and leader. It’s been a long time since I’ve run a party of four and actually had all four roles represented. I was looking forward to seeing how things played out.

The PCs searched the crypt before they ventured onward. While going through the Dark One’s packs they found some notes written on a few loose sheets of paper. On one sheet, Vontarin gave the Dark Ones instructions. These Dark Ones were to keep creating more undead and have them ready for tonight. Other Dark Ones were to keep searching the rest of the Abbey by day while Vontarin searched the library in the Shadowfell. Further down the page Vontarin left very clear instructions that the Dark Ones should meet him in the library as soon as the sun set and Duponde shifted back into the Shadowfell.

DM Resources

How Do You Like Your Dungeon Maps?

Map by Dyson Logos

The Dungeon’s Master home group currently uses a rotating DM system. Each of us takes a turn and as we approach the end of our segment we cue who ever is on deck to get ready to take over in a week or two.

The rational for this is that none of us has the time to truly run a long term campaign and it allows each of us to take a turn being the DM. As players we experience different styles in encounter creation, story telling and pacing.

The aspect I’m enjoying is seeing what everyone does with their maps when their shot as the DM comes around.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 10)

After defending the armory from the undead attack last week, the PCs ended the encounter and took a much deserved extended rest shortly after the morning sun crested the eastern horizon. When they awoke Grimbold met them and they traded tales of what happened the previous night.

Grimbold explained that he was at the Chapel of Peace and led the militia as they defended the church. The undead threat didn’t manage to get inside the church but he did loose a few of his men in the process. As the PCs already knew, many of the townsfolk including members of the militia continue to loose the little hope they had left.

Grimbold explained that the undead he faced were all dressed in the cassocks of Pelorite monks. The PCs confirmed the same adornments on the skeletons they faced. When examining the skeletons in the morning daylight, Brother Zelan speculated that someone broke into the crypts at Saint Avarthil Monastery to awaken these poor souls as undead minions. Grimbold agreed that it was at least worth investigating. He asked the PCs if they would travel to the Monastery, a mere two hour journey from Duponde, and try to figure out what happened. The PCs agreed to help.


Ameron’s 2011 GenCon Schedule

GenCon 2011 is quickly approaching. The best four days in gaming start in just 22 days on Thursday, August 4. This year I’m making the trip to Indianapolis solo. It will be my fourth GenCon. Here’s what my schedule looks like. In addition to the events I’ve already got tickets for, I plan to try and get in on as many rounds of the Convention Delve as I can.

Dungeons & Dragons

As you know (or as you should be able to guess by now if you’re a regular reader) the majority of my schedule is filled with D&D games. I was very disappointed to learn that there was only one paragon level LFR adventure being offered this year and I was shocked that there were no epic level games on the schedule.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 9)

This week things began with a little bit of role-playing as the party had their first skill challenge in many weeks. The success or failure of the skill challenge had real implications on the forthcoming combat encounter. As this was the fifth and final encounter of chapter 2, the PCs were in rough shape and knew that a major climax was going to happen before the night was up. They would not be disappointed.

This week I had seven at my table. The party consisted of Jarren 1, Jarren 2, a Shardmind Bard, a Shadar-kai Vampire, a Drow Ranger, an Elven Ranger and a Goliath Warden. For the second week in a row I had a lot of younger gamers at my table. It made for a much longer and slower night, but the game was still a lot of fun.

During last week’s encounter this party did not manage to capture or kill the Dark One Shadow Bolter. He managed to escape while the PCs fought the Twig Blights. This week they spent time trying to track down the elusive archer, but had no luck. He was simply gone.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 8)

Dusk is but a few short hours away and the town of Duponde is about to once again shift into the Shadowfell. The heroes were unable to find the Wizard Nathaire, the one responsible for triggering Evard’s curse and beginning this chain of events. They headed back to town for a brief rest before night fall and were once again called upon to help defend the town from the creatures that lurk in the realm of shadows.

This week at my FLGS we ran two tables each with six players. The party at my table consisted of a Jarren 1, Jarren 2, a Drow Wizard, a Shade Assassin, a Drow Ranger and a Dragonborn Paladin. Over the past two seasons of D&D Encounters we’ve had a few younger gamers join the regular Wednesday night crew. This week the number of younger gamers increased since school is out.

Five of the six players at my table were between 11-14 years-old. Two have been playing at my table for weeks, three were first timers. As the DM I had to decide if I should change the way I was planning to run the encounter. I asked the new players if they were experienced gamers of if this was their first time playing D&D. They all assured me that they’d played many times before and were experienced gamers. With that being said I decided not to change anything and run the game as I would regardless of the average age of the players at my table.

Book Reviews

Review: Gods Behaving Badly

Gods Behaving Badly
Marie Phillips

What if the gods of ancient Greek mythology lived among us? Where would they live, how would they get by, and as immortals what would they do to pass the time? In Marie Phillips’ novel, Gods Behaving Badly, she explores this possibility.

The gods no longer live upon Mount Olympus; instead they all share a run-down, dilapidated flat in one of London’s less savory neighbourhoods. They’ve been living there for hundreds of years and retain only the bare minimum of their godly powers. Aside from their immortality, they’ve become very much like regular people. They’ve even had to get jobs.

Apollo is a failed actor reduced to performing as a TV psychic (and a poor one at that). Aphrodite makes a living as a saucy phone-sex operator. Artemis is a dog walker. Dionysus operates an underground nightclub. Life for the gods has become pathetic and boring.

But their hard times have not taught the gods humility. They still believe that they’re better than mortals and don’t understand why they have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 4)

As the party caught their breath following the battle against the two-headed Dusk Beasts from last week’s encounter, two members of the town militiaarrived on the scene. Captain Grimbold sent these men to retrieve the party and bring them to the Chapel of Peace. Brother Zelan, the town’s priest, had something urgent to discus with the heroes.

This week we ran two tables at myFLGS – a table of six and a table of seven. The party at my table was made up of Fargrim, Jarren 1, Jarren 2, Byshir, Dolora, Drenda and a Human Vampire.

When the PCs arrived at the Chapel of Peach they discovered that many of the townsfolk had sought shelter within. They must have gathered there when Duponde shifted into the Shadowfell. Grimbold assigned six of his soldiers to protect the chapel and ensure the safety of everyone gathered there.

Brother Zelan, upon noticing the PCs arrival, welcomed them to the chapel despite the circumstances and quickly ushered them into his private antechamber. Once everyone crammed into the small room the good priest did his best to win over the PCs. He explained that Grimbold told him of their deeds at the Old Owl Inn and at the armory. Brother Zelan was very impressed and knew that these heroes were certainly powerful enough to take on a special (and likely dangerous) task on behalf of the people of Duponde.

Month in Review

Month in Review: May 2011

May was another great month for us here at Dungeon’s Master. We continued our exploration of racial powers, shared our weekly experiences with D&D Encounters and took a detailed look at divine classes. We also covered monster variety, DM rehearsals, controller powers and a look back at fantasy movies from the 80s. If you missed any of the great articles from May this is your opportunity to get caught up.

And of course the Dungeon’s Master team would like to take this opportunity, as we always do in the Month in Review, to thank everyone who visited our site and commented in May.

D&D Encounters

D&D Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard (Week 3)

After securing the armory, Captain Grimbold and the rest of the volunteer militia arrived and equipped themselves. Now the townsfolk were armed and capable of defending Duponde from the shadow creatures that were running rampant throughout the city. Grimbold asked the PCs if they would assist the militia and take to the streets, helping the locals and destroying or chasing off any threats that may be lurking in the shadows. The PCs eagerly agreed.

At our local FLGS we again had enough players to run three tables. At my table we had five PCs: Jarren, a Dragonborn Paladin, a Human Warlock, a Human Vampire and a Githzerai Swordmage. This is the first time in about 20 sessions that there wasn’t a leader at my table.