
Wimwick’s Newbie Plans For GenCon

The best four days in gaming begin next week. This will be my first trip to GenCon and I’m looking forward to the experience. I’ve heard all about it from Ameron and of course I’ve read about it through various other blogs. Still there is an aura of mystique that surrounds the event and I’m eager to arrive and investigate everything that GenCon and Indianapolis has to offer.

With that thought in mind I’ve put together a list of the top things I’d like to accomplish while at GenCon this year.

Player Resources

Character Creation Tips

When creating a new character there are many things to take into consideration. Everyone’s got their own idea of how to make the best character; there isn’t just one right way to do it. The abundance of choice can often be overwhelming so we’ve poured through our archives and found some great resources to help steer your decision making.

Player Resources

Characters for the D&D Open Championship

The pre-generated characters for the D&D Open Championship: A Hole in the World are now available for download from Wizards of the Coast. If you’re going to GenCon and you plan to participate in the D&D Championship, then you’re about to get very excited.

Until yesterday we knew very little about the tournament. Now we know just about everything. The characters begin the adventure at level 25. Anyone fortunate enough to advance to the finals gets to use the level 30 versions of those same characters. Wizards of the Coast not only gave us the pre-gens ahead of time, they provided the character builder files. This is a huge relief. I was really worried that they would provide same crappy little truncated cards like they have for almost every other game using pre-generated characters. (If you’ve been reading our weekly write-up on D&D Encounters Dark Sun you know all about the issues with those pre-gens).

DM Resources

LFR Magic Item Treasure Bundle List (July 2010)

We’ve updated our LFR Treasure Bundle List. We’ve added 23 new adventures to the list bringing the total to 124. Among the new entries are 13 paragon adventures. That brings us to 18 adventures in the P1 band (level 11-14) and 4 adventures in the P2 band (level 14-17). With GenCon only a few weeks away, our list can help you decide what adventures to play in order to get that special item you’ve always wanted before you get to Indianapolis.


Ameron’s 2010 GenCon Schedule

GenCon 2010, the four best days in gaming, starts exactly one month from today on Thursday, August 5. This year both Wimwick and I are going to Indianapolis. It’s my third GenCon and his first.

Although we’ve both registered for as many events as we could, there were still a lot of question marks in our schedule. Some events, like the Wizards of the Coast seminars, do not have firm times and dates yet. Other events, like Dark Sun Arenas: Glory and Blood and the Convention Delve: Lair of the Dread Witch were not available for preregistration. So with that in mind, here’s what my schedule looks like so far.

DM Resources Player Resources

Change, Change, and More Change to RPGA Play

Last week both the RPGA Character Creation Guide and the Living Forgotten Realms Character Creation Guide were updated. Both documents are effective tomorrow (June 22, 2010). This is the last update scheduled for either document until October. So if you play Living Forgotten Realms (LFR) or you’re planning on going to GenCon to play D&D then you should check out these updates. This is probably the largest single update since 4e was released. Here are the highlights.

Player Resources

Join the Dungeon’s Master GenCon Championship Team

Although GenCon isn’t until August, registration began this past weekend. Both Ameron and Wimwick are representing Dungeon’s Master at GenCon this summer. We’re going to do everything we can to win the D&D Open Championship this year and we want you to join our team.

The D&D Championship isn’t going to be our only focus while were in Indianapolis. As you can probably guess, we’ll be playing a whole lot of D&D. We’re also looking forward to meeting other gamers and bloggers, as well as authors and game designers from Wizards of the Coast and other small publishing houses. We plan to hit a few seminars and even try out some new games. Yes, we’re actually going to try something other than D&D – something I haven’t done in a very long time. We’ve already registered for a few games but our schedules aren’t complete yet. As we nail down our schedules we’ll share what we’ve got on tap with our readers. But today I want to focus on the Championship.

Player Resources Top 10

6 D&D Convention Tips for Players

D&D is a complicated game. There are the general game rules, the specific rules that apply to player characters and then there’s your character himself. It can be tough just to keep all of that straight, especially if you’re just getting into D&D. After participating in the Spellstorm gaming convention this past weekend in Toronto, I’ve put together a list of things to keep in mind when you’re playing D&D. These tips are applicable to any D&D game, but even more so at a convention where you’re less likely to know all the people at your table.

Player Resources

A Beginner’s Guide To Dungeons & Dragons (Part 3)

Welcome to the third installment of our Beginner’s Guide to Dungeons & Dragons. D&D is primarily a social game, requiring five or six players for a normal session, though the exact amount will vary from group to group. Depending on your introduction to the game, you may already have a regular group that you play with. However, if your introduction to the game came through natural curiosity you may not have discovered a group.

Today we’ll provide new players with some assistance on how to find a regular gaming group. Additionally, we’ll point players in the direction of finding additional resources.

Month in Review

Month in Review: August 2009

August may be gone, but it is certainly not a month to be fogotten. We ran a lot of great articles and brought you our highlights and opinions about this year’s GenCon. Dungeon’s Master continues to grow every month and August was no exception. Thanks to all of our readers, especially those who comment regularily. Your feedback helps us improve and often gives us ideas on what kind of articles to write moving forward. So to all of our readers, thanks for making August great and we look forward to providing you with a lot more to read and talk about throughout September. For those who are new to Dungeon’s Master or if you missed some of our articles while you were on summer vacation, here are the month’s highlights. Enjoy.